How Often Do Married Couples Over sixty-five Have Sexual activity?


When do married couples over 66 have sexual intercourse? The answer for this question may big surprise you: It turns out that a substantive percentage of adults over the age of 70 do without a doubt have sexual activity at least several times monthly, with guys ranging from about four to sixteen times monthly. Similarly, women of all ages report having intercourse at least several times per week.

Keeping a Intimate relationships Active whenever you Get Older

One of the many problems older lovers face is that they sometimes possess trouble keeping their love lives alive, or maybe even getting more sex. This really is due to numerous issues including erection problems, low libido (sex drive) and health conditions like diabetes or perhaps cancer.

In most cases, these problems could be addressed by medical treatment or changes in lifestyle. If you’re concerned that the sex life can be affecting your romance, confer with your doctor about these concerns or consider counseling.

Frequently Refused by Your Partner

It’s prevalent for old couples to feel refused by their partners in the bedroom more often than they did when these were younger, as per to psychologist Jeff Gray, writer of “Sex Therapy. ” This can be your own partner thinks they’re not making enough hard work or going after you enough. But if you can open the lines of communication with your partner and explain as to why they’re rejecting you, this assists restore a lot more balanced gender balance inside your relationship, Gray says.